In this unique exploration of love, psychoanalysis, and male sexuality, the protagonist must struggle with a deteriorating marriage, the loss of his ability to speak English, a philandering doppelgänger and incessant fantasies of hooking-up with young women. All of these disorienting conflicts are played out at the 2008 Beijing Olympics. On his last day in Beijing, the protagonist must choose between a life of carnal pleasure and love for his wife. Read the blurbs.
The book is available from International Psychoanalytic Books, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, other book sellers, and from Richard Seldin directly:

Many siblings overcome estranged family relationships, but few decide to express this emotional advance by collaborating on a book of poems. “Pearls Beneath The Rind” invites the reader to enter the world of an older brother and younger sister of vastly different character and lifestyle. Read excerpts and the blurbs for "Pearls."
The book is available from Dog Ear Publishing, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, other book sellers, and from Richard Seldin directly: